Who We Are
Onbee is the first full-service marketing research dedicated exclusively to word of mouth marketing. Onbee conducts ongoing research with consumers about their word of mouth conversations regarding products, services, and brands – 3,000 interviews are conducted each year (since 2009), during which consumers report on their conversations about 100,000+ brands per year. Onbee serves leading brands, agencies, and media that seek to capitalize on the most powerful force in the marketplace today the power of word of mouth (WOM).Onbee offers research-based strategy development and innovative approaches for testing, evaluating, tracking, and improving your word of mouth.

While programs exist to help marketers understand and track what is being said in blogs, chat rooms and social media, until now there has been no systemized tracking method to measure offline, person-to-person conversations, such as telephone and face-to-face discussions. Based on Annual WOMI (Word of Mouth Index) Research, We knows that more than 90% of word of mouth takes place in such offline venues. Interviewing a large, nationally representative sample of 10,000 Indonesian ages 15+ each year, WOMI measures over 100,000+ conversations about brands annually. Feedback is collected on an open-ended basis and is linked to key quantitative metrics such as number of brands talked, promoted and recommended yet number of people being recommended.

All major consumer categories are covered in Annual WOMI: consumers goods, consumers electronics, households and toiletries, automotives; beverages, financial services, food & dining, health & healthcares, media & entertainment, personal cares & beauty, shopping, retail & apparel, technologies, telecommunications, and travel services.
Why Word of Mouth Research:
90% of brand conversation happen offline
Word of mouth about brands happen everyday whether brands take care of it or not
Brand advocacy influence two-thirds of consumers’ decision-making process
Brand advocacy drives brand penetration
Word of mouth is the most neglected marketing measurement
What We Do:
Brand Advocacy Equity Evaluation and Measurement
Reasons for Consumers to Promote or Advocate
Topics which drive Brand Advocacy
Reasons and Topics of Negative Word of Mouth
Positive Word of Mouth vs Negative Word of Mouth
Annual Word of Mouth Index Measurement
Member of:
Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) - WOMMA is the premier non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and advocating the discipline of credible word of mouth marketing. Through best practices, industry education and member value, WOMMA advocates word of mouth as a solution to business challenges and a key component in the creation of Talkable Brands. WOMMA represents over 300 member companies including brands, marketers, researchers, service providers, agencies, non-profits, and academic instructions.
ESOMAR - Formerly the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research, ESOMAR is the world organization for enabling better research into markets, consumers, and societies. ESOMAR creates and manages a comprehensive program of industry-specific and thematic conferences, publications and communications.
Copyright Upnormals Group 2012
Gedung Graha Anugerah
Jl. Teluk Betung No. 42
Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10230 Indonesia
P. 021. 391 1386 | F. 021. 391 1389 | E. [email protected]