Who We Are
NeuroSight is Indonesia’s first and leading neuromarketing research company. Neurosight is a market research company that uses unique neuroscience or brain-imaging technology to measure how consumers’ brain responds to marketing stimuli. NeuroSight is the pioneer in bringing neuroscience expertise to marketing research i.e. advertising, packaging, new product development, shopping research, in-store experience and web & media usability. Neurosight brings world-class technology in neuroscience to provide more relevant insight in understanding mind, attitude and behavior of Indonesia’s consumers.

Neuromarketing is a new field of marketing research that studies consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. NeuroSight brings the most advanced technology of Neuroscience to measure consumers’ subconscious and unconscious response to marketing stimuli

NeuroSight utilizes two most widely-used technologies in marketing research:
ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY (EEG) to measure activity in specific regional spectra of the brain response, and/or sensors to measure changes in one's physiological state, to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and what part of the brain is telling them to do it and eye tracking

EYE TRACKING to measure eye activities. Where do consumers look? What do consumers ignore? When do consumers blink? How does the pupil react to different marketing stimuli? Eye-tracking measures which spot of advertisement or packaging that consumers look at and focus on
Why Neuromarketing Research:
What consumers answers to traditional survey approach may not reflect the real brain response and behavior.
Traditional survey or face-to-face interview may not be able to capture consumers’ subconscious level response to marketing stimuli.
Neuromarketing closes the gap between brain responses and consumer behavior
What We Do:
Subconscious Brand Tracking
Brand Development in Subconscious Mind
Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation
Advertising Concept & Creative Development
Packaging Evaluation
Packaging Design & Development
Product Concept Testing in Subconscious Level
Shopper Research
Aisle or Shelf Design & Evaluation
In-Store Experience Evaluation
Web Usability
Member of neuromarketing business association
The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA) is the global trade association for all those engaged in neuromarketing.
Copyright Upnormals Group 2012
Gedung Graha Anugerah
Jl. Teluk Betung No. 42
Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10230 Indonesia
P. 021. 391 1386 | F. 021. 391 1389 | E. [email protected]