Who We Are
Why is everyone talking about a certain brand — and why are other businesses and products ignored? Why do some products become huge successes without a penny of advertising — and why do some multi-million-dollar advertising campaigns fail to get noticed?

Buzz&Co is a Word of Mouth & Community Marketing Agency that will walk you through exactly how companies and causes of all sizes create passionate, loyal fans that do their marketing for for your brand.Buzz&Co assists brands where to start, what to do, and how to make it successful. Brand will learn how to use word of mouth to make your marketing campaign more profitable, how to spend less on marketing, and how to make your customers happier.

The end objective of Buzz&Co is creating a talkable and promotable brand. A brand will learn how to be remarkable that every customers want to share it with their friends.
Why Word of Mouth Marketing and Community Campaign:
Word of mouth is the most credible marketing tools of all time.
Advertising is getting more expensive while less effective due to media fragmentation
Every consumer joins at least 2 communities.
Technology might be digital but consumers are analog. Consumers always interact with other consumers to share their brand experiences.
Consumers spend more time listening and reviewing other consumers’ experience
Recommendation and referral from someone we trust has higher credibility than paid media such as advertising
What We Do?
Strategic Planning and Creative WOM Campaign
Community Development
Ideas Implementation and Monitoring
TResearch & Evaluation
Copyright Upnormals Group 2012
Gedung Graha Anugerah
Jl. Teluk Betung No. 42
Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10230 Indonesia
P. 021. 391 1386 | F. 021. 391 1389 | E. [email protected]